General Information

Since its launch in 1919, the JA Company Programme offers students aged 15-18 the opportunity to learn how to move a business idea from concept to reality and to discover first-hand how business functions.

Last year, more than 360,000 students from 40 countries across Europe took part in the JA Company Programme. Over the course of a school year, students develop a product or a service, create their own company and manage their business from start to finish.

Discover more about the JA Company Programme here.

JA Company Programme

As students reach the end of the entrepreneurship programme, they are eligible for the Entrepreneurial Skills Pass, a unique international certification of skills and experiences. The Entrepreneurial Skills Pass combines a competence-based assessment with a final examination validating and certifying their theoretical and factual knowledge about business issues and concepts.

The self-assessment allows students to reflect on their own progress in acquiring practically oriented skills and entrepreneurial attitudes throughout the year: creativity, self-confidence, teamwork, perseverance, taking responsibility, taking initiative and resourcefulness.
By certifying their experience, the Entrepreneurial Skills Pass helps students gain access to further opportunities such as training, work experience and start-up support.

More on the Entrepreneurial Skills Pass here.